
Block clock mini
Block clock mini


Presently, the registration is available on filling up a form and its submission at your branch. UID 566802071234567 234567891234 sent to09223008486)īalance on Missed Call Service on 09223008586Ĭustomers can get their primary account balance by giving Missed call to 09223008586.Īll customers of Bank having Savings & Current A/c may avail this facility. If cheque is from Primary account: UCSR cheque number

block clock mini

Other account statement : UMNS Account number Other account balance : UBAL Account number UBLOCK Last four digit of debit card NumberīANKING INFORMATION using long code 09223008486 Please keep your Account Number or Debit Card number readily available when calling us.ĪTM DEBIT CARDS using long code 09223008486 To register, call our 24X7 Call Center or contact Branch. Availability : This service is available from anywhere in the world, even when you are on the move.Updates : Get automatic updates on deposits/loan installments due, interest rate changes and new products.Convenience : No need to queue in at branch or ATM to check your account.Safety : All transactions above a value desired are intimated to you as and when they happen, so you are always kept updated on your transactions.Now, with SMS Banking service, you are always in a position to detect unauthorized access to your accountĪdditionally, SMS banking also helps you to know your balances and mini statements instantly by just sending an SMS.

block clock mini block clock mini

Every debit or credit in your account over a limit desired by you is intimated by SMS. It helps you to keep a watch on your account with a round the clock service. SMS Banking service provides instant notification about your transactions as and when it happens.

Block clock mini